Why Do You Buy Northern Lights Solar Pool Heat Exchanger?

Most pools and spas contain an additional amount of chlorine and bromine. That’s why flat plate solar heat exchangers are not suitable for them. Instead, they require a specially designed high-flow solar pool heat exchanger. This heat exchanger can handle the higher secondary side flow and high chlorine levels. In addition, it has better flow…

Why Do You Invest in a Solar Pool Heat Exchanger?

Do you own a swimming pool? If yes, then you might be well aware of the significance of a solar pool heat exchanger. But a flat plate solar heat exchanger is not right for the pool with the added chlorine and bromine. This is where a special high-flow pool heat exchanger comes in handy. This…

Why Does Solar Pool Heater Need Solar Pool Heat Exchanger?

Are you looking for a solar pool heat exchanger? Have a pool or spa with an additional amount of chlorine and bromine? If yes, then a flat plate solar heat exchanger isn’t suitable for you. This is where a specially designed high flow heat exchanger comes in handy. It can be able to handle the…