4 Best Solar Hot Water Heaters for Residential Applications

Solar hot water heaters are generally helpful for heating hot water in homes and businesses. Usually, hot water consumes around 20%-40% of the total energy consumption of every home. Solar water heating systems are the perfect solutions to minimize heating costs. However, Northern Lights solar hot water heaters can reduce the hot water cost by 65%-75%. They are easy-to-install systems and are available with every component to complete the installation. These solar water heating kits come with highly insulated stainless steel solar piping and fittings. They don’t have any complicated pipework and soldering.

So, go through the below-discussed water heating systems for residential hot water. Please check out them thoroughly and make the proper selection:

1. Preheat Solar Tank Water Heater

The solar water heating system comes with two tanks. The first tank is a solar preheat tank, whereas the second tank is the primary solar hot water storage tank with an internal heat exchanger.

The solar preheat tank helps supply warm water to the existing hot water tank. This solar hot water heater is the commonly available retrofit as it uses the existing hot water tank and requires very little retrofit to the plumbing system. The current main supply line is connected to the preheat tank and drawn back to the supply line when it gets heated.

The Preheat Solar Tank Water Heating System works on the basic stratification theory. In this process, the solar water heater gets heated using a thermosiphon or a very slow pump. As a result, it ensures slow mixing of water, which means the top layers always contain the hottest water.

Though the water in the top part is drawn into the main tank, you will use the hottest water first. This is because the average household uses hot water in batches instead of all at once, and the solar water heater can accommodate daily demands.

Solar Hot Water Heaters

2. Solar Tank-less Water Heater

These solar-powered water heating systems use the same principle. The water gets heated through the solar storage tank and enters the tank-less heater. For instance, primary line water coming inside the home at 40 degrees can be heated by using a preheat tank at 120 degrees C. If the temperature is set to 140 degrees, it only needs to supply 20 degrees of heat energy than 100 degrees without the solar preheat tank. As you can see, you will take advantage of significant savings on heating costs.

3. Solar Combo Tank Water Heater

This specially designed hot water heating system combines a solar preheat tank and electric backup heater in a single unit. This tank uses the internal heat exchanger, which is present in the bottom part of the solar water storage tank.

The solar loop is piped through this tank and starts heating water. The top part of the water tank has an electric heater to quickly top up the water temperature or support during days of no sun.

4. Compact Solar Water Heater

Are you looking for a solar heating system to produce hot water at home? Then, why don’t you invest in a Compact Solar Water Heater! It’s an excellent alternative to the advanced closed-loop solar water heaters and has no moving parts or pump.

The Compact Solar Water Heater system works very well in the southern climates, which seldom get freezing. It works up to 20 F (-5C). You can install it on the ground or mount it on the roof. An 80-gallon storage tank is integrated with the solar evacuated tubes and provides sufficient hot water for a family of four to five.

Bottom Line –

Do you want to learn more about solar water heaters? Please get in touch with Northern Lights Solar Tubs as soon as possible at +1 (800) 317-9054.